StuFF SeeMs beTTeR ReGaRdiN SuNMer SiZe waZ muCh SMaLLer noTwiThStaNdiNg I haD oRderEd in xxl STULL LOOKS BETTER
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BuT tHe oRANge oNe haS muCh SMaLLer SiZe nOwiTgStaNdiNg tHe fAct tHat I waNTed thiS oNe oN xxl
Type: Un-Stitched Quality: PV Size : 4 Meters Season: Winter Quality Super Fine Quality Soft Fabric & Soft Finish Commend Compect Shahi Libaas 36/1 Air Jet Weaved Note: The colors shown in...
Note: The colors shown in the picture will be slightly different in real.