StuFF SeeMs beTTeR ReGaRdiN SuNMer SiZe waZ muCh SMaLLer noTwiThStaNdiNg I haD oRderEd in xxl STULL LOOKS BETTER
GReeN waZ beTTeR…
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BuT tHe oRANge oNe haS muCh SMaLLer SiZe nOwiTgStaNdiNg tHe fAct tHat I waNTed thiS oNe oN xxl
o Most Silky and sexy sleepwear one could ever desire of! o Available in 5 exciting colors o Two Piece nIght wear; Stylish Gown and sleek slip for a romantic experience!...
o Most Silky and sexy sleepwear one could ever desire of!
o Available in 5 exciting colors
o Two Piece nIght wear; Stylish Gown and sleek slip for a romantic experience!
o Ultra smooth and silky fabric for gentle feels