StuFF SeeMs beTTeR ReGaRdiN SuNMer SiZe waZ muCh SMaLLer noTwiThStaNdiNg I haD oRderEd in xxl STULL LOOKS BETTER
GReeN waZ beTTeR…
WhiTe oNe iZz gOod…
BuT tHe oRANge oNe haS muCh SMaLLer SiZe nOwiTgStaNdiNg tHe fAct tHat I waNTed thiS oNe oN xxl
-Made in soft and stretchable cotton with lycra fabric for a perfect fit. -The modern style tank top has sleek narrow shoulder straps, offering ultimate comfort with a ravishing appeal. -Can...
-Made in soft and stretchable cotton with lycra fabric for a perfect fit.
-The modern style tank top has sleek narrow shoulder straps, offering ultimate comfort with a ravishing appeal.
-Can be wore as routine outfit or beneath gown for a sexier mood.
-Five enchanting colours adds a variety to your personality.