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BuT tHe oRANge oNe haS muCh SMaLLer SiZe nOwiTgStaNdiNg tHe fAct tHat I waNTed thiS oNe oN xxl
Summer dresses is all leads towards fashion game. Different designers and brands launches many collection in summer, with latest designs and embroidery work. Khas also bring a wide and exclusive collection with quality fabric, latest designs and trends that presents glamorous and extravagant.
It gives great outlook and sensational combination in women living.
Khas also brings khas lawn collection with time, khas lawn is very trending and eye-catching in 2020 and 2021. Women wants somehow uniqueness in her appearance, she want to change her personality and look, so she made change in her wardrobe after sometime. This give stylish and stunning look in her dressing.
Khas law is in plain weave with 100% cotton and very soft and silky in touch. It’s drawing and combed yarn make it smooth and crisp. Lawn is lightweight, chic and breathable. It make body cool and evaporated, ant allergic and pleasant to the body. It absorb the moisture of the body and ventilated.
In this season khas brings bright colour palette with feminine designs like floral prints and pastels, in its wide-ranging collections. You can also find embroidery kurti and trouser, patch-work, motif work and lace-work design.
Khas collection have ready to wear collection with 1 piece, 2 and 3 pieces, and also brings un-stitched lawn collection also. You can make your own design and cuts that fits to your style and physique. Un-stitched collection also comes in 1 piece, 2 piece and 3-piece also.
At Onieo, you can find different newly designs of khas lawn, name are below mention.
Khas collection also have bottom and shirt separately, you can buy them separately. Khas also launch suits with trouser and shirts are in lawn rather dupatta in lawn, tissue, chiffon or crape.
At Onieo you can find different collection of khas lawn and khas luxury pret, Bottom, khas summer volume-03 and khas lawn 2020. Khas lawn is in high quality and durable, easy machine washed.